

“罪犯是一个迷信的、懦弱的群体。所以我的伪装必须能够让他们的内心感到恐惧。我必须是一个黑夜的生物,黑色的,可怕的……我将成为一只蝙蝠!”百万富翁实业家布鲁斯·韦恩(Bruce Wayne)如是说,他小时候被一个凶残的暴徒弄成孤儿,长大后成为蝙蝠侠,与犯罪祸害作斗争。1939年,蝙蝠侠突然进入流行文化,近70年来,无数漫画、真人秀和动画电视节目以及七部剧情片都让观众激动不已。在哥谭市黑暗的屋顶上,在光滑、高功率的蝙蝠车中呼啸着穿过拥挤的街道,当标志性的蝙蝠信号穿透夜空时,披挂式十字军一跃而起,是一个超越生命的传奇。现在,三十多年来第一次,从开始到现在,从A到Z,所有关于蝙蝠侠的信息都被收集在一本综合性的新资源书中。500多页的条目和插图包括:







即使是蝙蝠洞的全方位通行证也无法与前DC漫画编辑兼蝙蝠侠学者罗伯特·格林伯格(Robert Greenberger)的详尽终极档案媲美。《蝙蝠侠基本百科全书》是每个蝙蝠侠迷书架上的必备品。


蝙蝠侠、DC徽标以及所有相关名称、字符和元素是DC Comics©2008的商标。保留所有权利。

The ultimate guide to the man behind the mask . . . and the mythology behind the man.

“Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot. So my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible. . . . I shall become a bat!” So declared millionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne, orphaned as a boy by a murderous thug and driven as a man to battle the scourge of crime by becoming Batman. Batman swooped into popular culture in 1939–and for nearly seventy years has thrilled audiences in countless comics, live-action and animated television programs, and seven feature films. Prowling the darkened rooftops of Gotham City, roaring through the teeming streets in the sleek, high-powered Batmobile, and leaping into action when the iconic Bat-Signal pierces the night sky, the Caped Crusader is a larger-than-life legend. And now, for the first time in more than thirty years, everything there is to know about Batman–from the beginning to the present, and from A to Z–is collected in one comprehensive new sourcebook. More than 500 pages of entries and illustrations include:

• fascinating details and the complete background on Batman’s origins
• biographies of every major character in the Batman universe–including his closest allies, from Robin the Boy Wonder and faithful butler Alfred Pennyworth to Commissioner Gordon; and his countless enemies, from the Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, and the Riddler to Scarecrow, Two-Face, Ra’s al Ghul and Poison Ivy
• classic black-and-white comic book artwork throughout
• two sixteen-page full-color artwork inserts

Even an all-access pass to the Batcave couldn’t rival former DC Comics editor and Batman scholar extraordinaire Robert Greenberger’s exhaustive ultimate archive. The Essential Batman Encyclopedia is a must for every Batman fan’s bookshelf.

BATMAN, the DC Logo, and all related names, characters and elements are trademarks of DC Comics © 2008. All rights reserved.

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