这个标题是为各地的漫画迷准备的,是DC宇宙A-Z参考的更新版。这本由漫画巨擘DC创作的1200多个经典人物组成的一卷本百科全书是新的和扩展的,对任何粉丝来说都是必不可少的。随着最新DC角色的新加入,以及超人、蝙蝠侠、绿灯侠、JLA、水侠、猫女和神奇女侠的扩展,所有享誉世界的超级英雄和超级反派都在这里,还有怪异而精彩的一幕。特别节目庆祝了DC英雄和反派的一些令人难忘的异国车辆和武器,他们的巨大冲突,或浪漫邂逅,以及最近的故事发展,包括《无限危机》。亚历克斯·罗斯(Alex Ross)是世界上最著名的漫画艺术家之一,也是令人激动的原创漫画艺术,他设计了一本全新的封面,每一页都充满了60多年漫画历史的乐趣和兴奋!

This title is for comic-book fans everywhere – an updated edition of the A-Z reference of the DC universe. New and expanded, this one-volume encyclopedia of more than 1,200 of the classic characters created by comics giant DC is essential for any fan. With new entries on the latest DC characters and expanded ones on Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the JLA, Aquaman, Catwoman and Wonder Woman, all the world-renowned super heroes and super villains are here, as well as the weird and wonderful one-offs. Special features celebrate some of the DC heroes and villains’ more memorable exotic vehicles and weaponry, their titanic clashes, or romantic encounters plus recent story developments including the Infinite Crisis. With a brand new cover designed by Alex Ross, one of the world’s pre-eminent comic book artists and thrilling original, comic-book art, the fun and excitement of more than 60 years of comic-book history explodes off every page!

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